Mae ein gwasanaethau cynhyrchu fideos cerddoriaeth cyflawn yn dechrau ar gyn lleied â £399 ac yn mynd i fyny i, wel yr awyr
y terfyn, yn enwedig os ydych chi am ei saethu yno (mae awyrennau'n mynd yn ddrud), ond yn hytrach na mynd yn syth
i mewn i'r hyn y bydd yn ei gostio (yr ateb hir a byr yw beth bynnag rydych chi'n teimlo sy'n iawn i chi) gadewch i ni ddangos
i chi yr hyn y gallwn ei ddarparu.
- Lleoliadau syfrdanol ledled y DU a ledled y byd -
- Sgriptio llawn a bwrdd stori -
- Camerâu 4K pen uchel ar gyfer cynhyrchiad o ansawdd sinema go iawn -
- Goleuo - yn amlwg! -
- Dronau, craeniau neu unrhyw beth arall o ran hynny -
- Stiwdios ymarfer -
- Gwisgoedd a cwpwrdd dillad -
- Actorion, modelau, actorion styntiau -
- Propiau -

You're creatives (or creative if you’re a solo act), you create entertainment, that’s what you do, and the best part is that’s what we do as well! If you have an idea, send it to us with the track you have in mind, along with any storyboards, themes or concepts that you’ve developed – we’re more than
happy to work with you to bring them to life.
Alternatively, you may just want to throw some ideas our way and let us do the creative leg work, either way, what we would do is arrange a meeting or chat over the phone and have a deep dive into exactly what you want to achieve and the budget you have to achieve it.
First things first, super compelling video doesn’t have to be super expensive! Yes it’s true that complex shoots involving multiple exotic locations, models, speedboats, CGI that makes your eyes water, tend to cost a tad more than a single location, point and shoot, BUT it doesn’t necessarily make them better, sometimes the simplest ideas are the best.

LOCATION, Location,location
The long and short of the rather annoying title above is that we can shoot practically wherever and
whenever you want (provided the budget allows of course). Yes we’re based in Wales which as you
can imagine gives us access to some of the most epic scenery in the UK, but we’re not just all about
mountains, wellies and sheep, we also have the following which kind of helps,
- Access to great moody buildings across the UK, including clubs and venues
- 3 rehearsal spaces
- Costume and wardrobe facilities
And if the above isn’t enough, tell us what you want and we will get it.
So you’ve decided on your vision, we’ve picked a location/s and agreed a budget – the next step is to
book the shoot date and for you to pay 50% of the budget as a deposit.
This should be fun, in fact, it will be fun (sad song or not!), it’s important; in fact, we should make it a
requirement. It’s a known fact that the more enjoyable your time on set creating your vision, the
more likely your personality will come through into the finished product. That’s not to say of course
that it won’t be hard work and yes sometimes bringing an idea to life can be frustrating BUT it
shouldn’t ‘feel’ like hard work. Enjoy it.
After the fun bit comes the hard bit, pulling the constituent parts of the shoot together to create
your vision.
Once we have produced a rough edit (with time code attached) we will send it to you for feedback,
so you're involved every step of the way. The number of changes and adjustments you can make to
the project will, of course, be dependent on your budget, but we will discuss and agree this with you
at the budget stage to avoid any nasty surprises!
One last thing – we love a challenge and pride ourselves on mega quick turnarounds, from concept
to screen in a matter of days. If a quick turnaround is what you need, let us know and we will work
to achieve that.
Bydd eich prosiect fideo yn unigryw. Felly os ydych chi eisiau archwilio syniadau a thrafod opsiynau, peidiwch ag oedi cysylltu.
Ffôn:07837 525 288